What a fantastic ride today. Mr Madden and Miss Nicholls joined us on our ride today and had lots of fun. We saw someone road skiing and was going really fast up hill and was probably zooming down the hill real fast.
Mr Madden and Miss Nicholls are P.E. teachers at the school and are going to be joining us on the ride to Cambodia along with some other teachers from the school. They are really looking forward to cycling to Cambodia because they have never been there before. When we stopped at Bira circuit Miss Nichols said she doesn't think she will need any cycling shorts because she has natural padding and then dad said "It's 418 km." and then she said "Oh yeah, good point!" She's really looking forward to seeing Angkor Wat.

I would like to make a special thanks to some people who have already donated money. Some I don't even know. So a big thanks to Robyn Fox in Sudan, Kerry Varma in Glasgow, Mr & Mrs Bolland here in Thailand, Pammy Nathan in Tasmania and my old friends Sunny and Tilly in Perth. It feels amazing to have donations already when there is a month to go. Thanks!
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