Monday 21 October 2013

Day 3

We left the 5.7 star hotel at 9:30am this morning and started our 68km ride.
At first I was finding it a bit hard because of the heat, we were going 20 to 23 km per hour. We stopped at a 7eleven petrol station place and I had a meltdown after 20 km and we had 48 km to go. We had another break at this temple with these really spooky statues and a big buddha's head then decide to go to the next petrol station because we were spooked out by the horrific statues. They all thought that I could get to the boarder today and told me that if we did 68 km today, we would have to do 90 something km tomorow. No thanks! We rode for an hour stopped for 15 minutes, rode for another hour and arrived at our hotel, (Indochina Hotel) and ended up finishing it in 2 hours, 2 minutes, we did 97.7 km! We really went for it after that and we did 28 to 30 km an hour in a pelethon literaly cm apart from each others wheels, saw no dead dogs, tons of snakes, arrived and got into the pool just as the sun started to set at 6:30pm! Yes!


  1. Hey Pops!

    A beautiful picture at the end of Day 3! You are truly amazing! Love you! Mumxx

  2. That's amazing Poppy! I have been keeping up to date with your dad's facebook posts about your journey, and wanted to comment. This is an amazing achievement and something I am sure you will always remember! Congratulations! There can't be too many people your age doing what you're doing, keep it up!

  3. Poppy, this is absolutely amazing! I had no idea. Wow!

    Karen Brent
