Friday 25 October 2013

Day of Temples

Finally we made it! The challenge is complete. What an adventure.
 We visited the temples today, Angkor Wat and Pra Thom, the temple that was in the movie Tomb Raider.
 We cycled to the temples so we did even more kilometres! But it was really fun to see the temples. They seemed smaller than they do in the movie but they were still really big! The last time I went to see the temples I wasn't even 4 years old! It was really hot though so when we cycled back it was really hard. We had good fun taking photos on Mr Madden's camera. I will try to put them on the blog when I get a copy.
 The lanes around the temples were pretty and shady but they were very bumpy. I'm glad that the roads that we cycled on were nice and smooth. There were so many tourists in Tuk Tuks along the way, but I was surprised at how many Koreans were there. One family in a Tuk Tuk waved at us and looked amazed to see tourists on bicycles.
We went through two of these gate ways that had wooden floors and broken ceilings.
We passed some other temples on the way but they weren't on our "To see list"!
It's a shame though because one of the temples we passed was being re-built, even with tourists there.
It wasn't being re-built by hand, like cement and shovel, it had cranes lifting things up on to the temples, some of the things didn't even look like they were there in the first place.
This is the temple that is featured in the movie "Tomb Raider" which is my favourite movie.
This tree isn't actually very ancient, it's just one of those kind of trees that grows really fast and doesn't need much soil to grow on top of.

This is another tree that has grown on top of the temple and has shot up into the sky.
This tree was a really big tree and felt really rough, not like ordinary trees though!
The trees were 
Especially with their massive roots!
 It was time to leave. The ride back to town seemed to take ages on the hot, bumpy roads that were getting on my nerves. But I was getting really hungry so was looking forward to getting back and having the lunch that I needed!
Time for some relaxing by the pool and catching up with my friends.
The ride started with rain on the first day and made my t-shirt really muddy, luckily on the second day we got to a hotel called Kantary Hotel in Kabin Buri. The hotel was a 5.7 star hotel and we stayed in a two bedroom sweet but there weren't enough beds for all of us so Mr Reardon slept on the sofa! We washed a lot of our clothes including my white shirt that turned out pretty clean. After that all of the days were all sunny apart from the last five minutes of the last day when it started to rain, my shirt got all muddy again.

Now that I have done 459 km including the journey to all of the temples. I feel really proud of myself for doing something as big as this. Some days it seemed easier than I thought it would be, but other days seemed harder. On the second day when I had a meltdown and I felt like I couldn't do any more because I felt exhausted and there was so much more to go. It was the hardest part of the trip and I got through it by thinking about how I cannot give up because I have started it now, Yok needs the money and Kurt Haan's saying, "There is more in you than you think".  
My favourite part of this trip was when we got to stay in the 5.7 star hotel!!!!! My favourite part of the riding was when we were in a pelathon and were going at about 28 - 30 km/h.

Once again, Thank you to everyone who has donated money. I am very thankful to all of you for doing such a great thing. 

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