Wednesday 2 October 2013

Wahoo! 500km milestone!

 Today I went up to the roundabout near Bira circuit and then I went across the damn and I made it home in 1 hour 6 minutes and it was 21.15 km long.
This photo looks a little dangerous but I'm celebrating... I started my training 2 weeks before school started on 16th August and since then, all of my bike rides added together add up to 500km!! This is only just further than I will actually be cycling when I cycle to Cambodia! But this has taken me 6 weeks to complete and I have to complete 418 km in 6 days which is such little time compared to 6 weeks.
At one point today I was cycling at 49 kmph, I looked behind at my dad to smile and I nearly fell off my bike! It was down a huge hill. I saw four disgusting dead snakes today on the road, one of them was lime green. :( They really grossed me out. Yuck! There were loads of other bikes too, they always nod or wave.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Poppy. Following your journey/training with great interest. Hope you conquor the dogs. My little dog a bit different manageable size. Love from elizabeth and my little dog sam.
